Friday, August 13, 2010

UN Recognizes RP as “Serious Ally and Partner” in Integrating Gender Perspective in Peacekeeping Work

At the launching of the Guidelines in Integrating the a Gender Perspective into the Work of the United Nations Military in Peacekeeping on August 9, the United Nations recognized the Philippines as a "serious ally and partner," with the Undersecretary General for Peacekeeping Operations noting the presence and contributions of Filipina peacekeepers deployed around the world.

Undersecretary General for Peacekeeping Operations Alain Le Roy praised the Philippines for "taking its role seriously in peace consolidation and for recognizing the importance of women as valuable partners in peacekeeping."
Speaking after the launch of the guidelines and a roundtable discussion on integrating gender perspective into the work of the United Nations military in peacekeeping operations here, Undersecretary General Le Roy said "The Philippines does not need to be convinced of its (integrating gender perspective) value.  We are thankful to the Philippines for its contributions to peacekeeping and in the efforts to integrate gender perspective in our peacekeeping work," added Roy.
Philippine Permanent Representative to the United Nations Libran N. Cabactulan welcomed USG Le Roy's statement and stressed anew the Philippines' commitment to integrating gender perspective in peacekeeping operations.
"Women have played an important role in peacekeeping around the world and we take pride in our female peacekeepers' contributions.  The guidelines issued by the UN will certainly help us move forward in our own gender integration efforts with our peacekeepers," Permanent Representative Cabactulan said.
The Guidelines issued by the UN's Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and the Department of Field Support (DFS) seeks to support practical translation of existing mandates on women, peace and security among UN military peacekeeping personnel.
The Guidelines are intended to inform force generation goals in line with specific operational requirements for the selection and deployment of male and female military personnel, pre-deployment preparations and training of military personnel.
The Philippines sends peacekeeping troops and police to eight of 19 UN Missions.  68 Filipino women peacekeepers are present in Philippine troops serving in UN Missions in Haiti, Darfur, Golan Heights, Liberia, Sudan and Timor Leste.
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UN Recognizes RP as “Serious Ally and Partner” in Integrating Gender Perspective in Peacekeeping Work

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