Tuesday, August 10, 2010


by Dr. Jeanette Silao, FPCS

Congratulations to the Philippine College of Surgeons on its 75th Anniversary! In human years, one is usually thankful to God for having been given a long life. These twilight years are usually spent reminiscing the highlights of a fruitful life. The highlights of one's life, as everyone will agree, are what you have done for others.

In institution years, 75 years of existence is just a few decades from inception. Each year is seen as a milestone of growth and further strength, the development of newer programs and reaching greater heights. An institution’s growth is derived from good governance, while its strength is equivalent to the breath of the foundation it has laid down. A solid foundation is as solid as its programs. The PCS' foundation is nothing less than solid as its programs are directed to benefit the community.


Since its inception, surgical missions were the main fodder of every surgical organization. Organized and large-scale community service programs have only been recently documented at the start of the millennium. In the 1980s, then PCS president Dr. Alfredo T. Ramirez organized the SURE program, short for Surgery in Underserved Regions for Education. Each year six to seven underserved regions nationwide are targeted by PCS chapters and affiliated societies. Wet clinics, surgical missions and a surgical forum are organized for them. Continuing Medical Education is provided for the local doctors. Health education is provided for the lay people and surgical services are provided for the poor.

More recently in September 15-22, 2005, as part of the SURE program, a memorandum of agreement was signed with the League of Provinces of the Philippines (LPP) for a nationwide Surgical Mission. Signatories were PCS Vice President, Dr. Eduardo Gatchalian; President of the Philippine Society of Anesthesiologists, Dr. Ernie Nagtalon; Chairman of the Committee of Services Dr. Beda R. Espineda; Coordinator of LPP Special Concerns, Dr. Nathan Magpantay; and National President of the LMP, Mayor Ramon N. Guico Jr. In a nutshell, PCS will provide the surgical manpower while PSA provides the anesthesia manpower for surgical missions conducted nationwide. And LPP will provide the logistical support necessary for its success. This project was also in collaboration with the GMA Kapuso Foundation and the ABS-CBN Foundation.


In 1994, the Department of Health and PCS, under the guidance of then president, Dr. Modesto Llamas, organized the STOP DEATH PROGRAM, which is short for Strategic and Tactical Options for the Prevention of Disasters, Epidemics and Trauma for Health. The Options centered mainly on preventive education on accidents and man-made disasters. A disaster response team was organized as one of the strategies. Some of the advocacies allied with this program were the WEAR THE SEATBELT campaign and the STOP SMOKING campaign. BLOOD LETTING activities were held to beef up the blood bank supply in each training institution. Currently, this latter activity is being held every September during PCS Foundation week.


In September 8, 2001, as part of the PCS Foundation Celebration, then President Alberto B. Roxas and ABS-CBN Kalikasan Foundation joined forces to organize the “Adopt –a-Tree” program and sponsor a Tree-planting activity. Our PCS President, PCS External Committee Chairman and committee members, their family, friends, and invited guests spent a day at the La Mesa Dam. That day started with a lecture on the current status of our environment and Bantay Kalikasan on-going projects and accomplishment at the La Mesa Dam Area. Attendees were lectured on how to properly plant a tree. Each one planted his own tree at a designated portion of the La Mesa Dam. Arrangements were made for future site visits and to adopt a larger area to nurture and tend the trees. This project went on for four years until its maintenance was deemed too expensive. Other tree planting activities were conducted at the Quezon Circle as well as in various regions nationwide care-of the various PCS Chapter organizations. In the various chapter regions, this project is going on in strong, nurturing larger stretches of reclaimed “green” land. The trees to this day remain standing as a testament to our concern for the environment.


A catchy title adopted from Dr. Eduardo Gathchalian’s constant email sign out greeting to the PCS regents is now the title of a famous nationwide radio program of DZRH that delivers correct and scientifically based health education on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of surgical diseases to the people every Sunday just before noon. Since its inception on the 68th PCS Foundation Day celebration on September 12,2004, 200 radio stations of DZRH has been broadcasting health information on four major topics each month: trauma or geriatric health, children’s diseases, women’s diseases and health concerns and cancer. This brainchild of Dr. Edgar do Cortez, Dr Art De La Pena, Dr. Armand Crisostomo, Dr. Eduardo Gatchalian, in conjunction with MBS Management and Production, to this day, enjoys favorable reviews from the Nielsen Media Radio Audience Measurement.


As Dr. Jose A. Solomon covers this project in the 2005 PCS Newsletter vol.25 no. 3, he writes, “ A new activity of the PCS was launched on Saturday, September 10,2005 as part of the 69th PCS foundation week-long celebration. Through the PCS-MMC, more than 60 Fellows, residents, medical interns and clerks, as well as the PCS Secretariat, painted houses in Baseco, Tondo, Manila through a tie-up with Habitat for Humanity, a non-profit organization providing affordable housing for our less fortunate brethren. Dr. Eduardo Gatchalian led the group painting the units orange and blue in the Dutch-sponsored ING Village. This initial venture may just be a stepping-stone of the College in the realization of a future PCS Village as part of its community service. ” This project was spearheaded by then president Dr. Art de la Pena.


This PCS project, in collaboration with Safety Kids International and the Department of Health, has the objective of decreasing child death due to trauma and accidents through proper preventive education.


PCS president, Dr. Art de la Pena and Vice-president, Dr Eduardo Gatchalian in conjunction with Dr. Juan Flavier of the Department of Health and USAID, spearheaded voluntary sterilization for males by providing free vasectomy and ligation services for women. The project was successfully initiated in Marikina under the auspices of Mayor Marides Fernando. However, the project had to be terminated upon advice of the Board of Regents.


In 2007, PCS, under the stewardship of then president, Dr. Rey Melchor Santos, donated a self-supporting clinic for the recipients of habitat for humanity in Kamirin, Kaloocan. The clinic provides free prenatal care and midwife services, minor surgeries, and medical consultations. Medical services are provided for free by the Department of Family Medicine of FEU-NRMF. Health education is given by PCS Fellows on a regular basis to the members of the community. Non-medical projects such as rag-making, selling of used clothes, soap making, and the making of party favors such as balloon designs help keep the clinic a self-supporting entity and teach community members of other sources of income.

PCS has always been actively engaging in community service and strengthening its role and credibility in the community as the bearer of goodwill and good health. As long as the college goes full steam in this direction, we will be celebrating for more decades to come.


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